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Ind AS / AS --:Select:-- AS Disclosure Checklists Comprehensive AS Checklists Ind AS Disclosure Checklist
Accounting Standard--: Select :--AS 1 - Disclosure of Accounting PoliciesAS 2 - Valuation of InventoriesAS 3 - Cash Flow StatementAS 4 - Contingencies and Events Occurring After Balance Sheet DateAS 5 - Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting PoliciesAS 6 - Depreciation AccountingAS 7 - Construction ContractsAS 9 - Revenue RecognitionAS 10 - Accounting for Fixed AssetsAS 11 - The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange RatesAS 12 - Accounting For Government GrantsAS 13 - Accounting for InvestmentsAS 14 - Accounting for AmalgamationsAS 15 - Employee BenefitsAS 16 - Borrowing CostsAS 17 - Segment ReportingAS 18 - Related PartiesAS 19 - LeasesAS 20 - Earnings Per ShareAS 21 - Consolidated Financial StatementsAS 22 - Accounting for Taxes on IncomeAS.23 - Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial StatementsAS 24 - Discontinuing OperationsAS 26 - Intangible AssetsAS 27 - Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint VentureAS 28 - Impairment of AssetsAS 29 - Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent AssetsAS 30 - Financial Instruments Recognition and MeasurementAS 31 - Financial Instruments: PresentationAS 32 - Financial Instruments: Disclosures
Ind AS--: Select :--Ind AS 1 - Presentation of Financial StatementsInd AS 2 - InventoriesInd AS 7 - Statement of Cash FlowsInd AS 8 - Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and ErrorsInd AS 10 - Events after the Reporting PeriodInd AS 11 - Construction ContractsInd AS 12 - Income TaxesInd AS 16 - Property, Plant and EquipmentInd AS 17 - LeasesInd AS 18 - RevenueInd AS 19 - Employee BenefitsInd AS 20 - Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government AssistanceInd AS 21 - The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange RatesInd AS 23 - Borrowing CostsInd AS 24 - Related Party DisclosuresInd AS 27 - Consolidated and Separate Financial StatementsInd AS 28 - Investments in AssociatesInd AS 29 - Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary EconomiesInd AS 31 - Interests in Joint VenturesInd AS 32 - Financial Instruments: PresentationInd AS 33 - Earnings per ShareInd AS 34 - Interim Financial ReportingInd AS 38 - Intangible AssetsInd AS 36 - Impairment of AssetsInd AS 37 - Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent AssetsInd AS 39 - Financial Instruments: Recognition and MeasurementInd AS 40 - Investment PropertyInd AS 41 - AgricultureInd AS 101 - First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting StandardsInd AS 102 - Share based PaymentInd AS 103 - Business CombinationsInd AS 104 - Insurance ContractsInd AS 105 - Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued OperationsInd AS 106 - Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral ResourcesInd AS 107 - Financial Instruments: DisclosuresInd AS 108 - Operating SegmentsInd AS 109 - Financial InstrumentsInd AS 110 - Consolidated Financial StatementsInd AS 111 - Joint ArrangementsInd AS 112 - Disclosure of Interests in Other EntitiesInd AS 113 - Fair Value MeasurementInd AS 114 - Regulatory Deferral AccountsInd AS 115 - Revenue from Contracts with Customers